Вправа 1. Fill in the gaps by changing the word in brackets into the Past Simple tense. 1. Yesterday John (to want)…..some chocolate.
2. Good, you (to remember)…..to buy milk
on the way back from work.
3. My parents (to dance)…..to music all evening.
4. I (to prefer)…..those green shoes.
5. They like the way we (to look)……
6. What a pity you (to miss)…...us!
7. They (to show)…..an Elvis Presley film on TV last night.

Nik10234 Nik10234    3   28.12.2021 16:02    2

дзхен дзхен  28.12.2021 16:10

1 Wanted

2 Remembered

3 Danced

4 Prefered

5 Looked

6 Missed

7 Showed

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