Возможно ли в данных предложениях использовать the genitive case? 1) i still remember the kind smile of my old teacher when he heard that 2) the new house of my elder brother john is much better than his old one. , let's say from one of jane's friends. и, , если можно, с пояснениями : ) !

4544545454 4544545454    2   13.07.2019 14:30    4

vikap754p08qzb vikap754p08qzb  03.10.2020 03:00
The teacher's smile
the John's new house
Jane's friends
хм, да, здесь везде можно употребить

Возможно ли в данных предложениях использовать the genitive case? 1) i still remember the kind smile
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