Вот тот вопрос, для тех, у кого не загружалось а telephone call from the
bank. "Where is уоur husband, Mrs Leighton?" asked the bank
Aunt Agatha was чеrу much surprised. "Isn't he in the bank?" she
asked. "No, he isn't. Wherever he is, he is not certainly in his office," the bank manager answered. "Nobody has seen him yet. We аrе
going to have а meeting in а quarter of an hour. But unfortunately
we can't have it without уоur husband. Не has all the рареrs." "r don't know what to say," Aunt Agatha tried to Ье polite.
Well, that was it. No news from Uncle Oscar. Life went on. Elizabeth soon married and Julian got а good job as an engineer. Aunt
Agatha took а job in the office and enjoyed it. She saw hеr children
at weekends. They seldom spoke about uncle oscar. They thought he
was dead. I think only one person missed him
mе. We both had
one hobby
collecting stamps. I often thought of mу uncle and tried
to guess where he could Ье.
Тhrее years passed.
And then one october afternoon а letter саmе. It arrived from Brazil. I was sure
I knew no one in Brazil.
I opened the envelope. Тhеrе were some
stamps inside. I counted them. Тhеrе were
about fifty stamps there, all Brazilian, nothing mоrе. I turned the envelope очеr, but there
was no return address. I took one of uncle
Oscar's albums ['юlЬэmz] of stamps from the
shelf and opened it. I wanted to put the new
stamps in it. Suddenly mу eyes fell on several
empty places in the book. The most expensive
stamps wеrе gone.l Then I understood ечеrуthing. I smiled. I knew now where Uncle Oscar
was. I was sure he missed mе, he missed оur
talks about stamps and collections and he discovered а way to tell
me where he was. That was his secret and it will Ье his secret. I will
tell nobody.
1. Read the beginning of the
end iп the text.
1) We аrе going to have ...
2) Aunt Agatha took а job ...
3) They seldom ...
4) I often thought ... .
5) And then one October ...
6) There wеrе about ...
7) Suddenly ...
8) I knew no,w ...
9) I will ... .
sentence, then find and read its
2. Use the sentences of Ех. 1 as а рIап and retell the second
part of the story.
З. Look through the first part of the story (Student's Book V, Lesson 3, Ех. 17) and say if you like Uncle Oscar and the members
of his family.
4. Uncle Oscar lives in Brazil поw, doesn't he? Why do you think
Uпсlе Oscar rап away?

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