Вот мне ,но я ноль в ,можете россия-пасмурно, возможны осадки…скорость ветра достигает 3-5 метров в секунду…атмосферное давление ниже нормы. утром стояла теплая, солнечная погода. но в течении дня неожиданно погода испортилась и началась гроза. воздух наполнился озоном и дышать стало легче. бразилия- ветра достигает 2-3 метров в в норме.вечером погода улучшится,19 градусов.

lphk02 lphk02    3   10.08.2019 02:40    1

Соваучка Соваучка  04.10.2020 08:27
Russia-Overcast with a chance of precipitation...wind speed is 3-5 m / sec...the atmospheric pressure is below normal.The morning was warm and Sunny weather. But during the day, suddenly the weather deteriorated and a storm began. The air was filled with ozone and breathing became easier.Brazil-Sun...the wind speed is 2-3 meters / second...the Pressure is normal.In the evening the weather will improve,19 degrees.
ruzruz258 ruzruz258  04.10.2020 08:27
1) Russia - ivercast with a chance of precipitation, wind speed is 3-5 m/sec, the atmospheric pressure is below normal. In the morning was warm and sunny weather. But during the day, suddenly the weather deteriorated and a storm began. The air was filled with ozone and breathing became easier. 2) Brazil - Sunny, the wind speed is 2-3 m/sec, the Pressure is normal. In the evening the weather will improve, it will be nearly 19 degrees.
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