Вот : choose the correct item. предложения: 1) chip computer goograpfy twice a week. a) is b) have c) has 2) chip like internet-surfing? a) do b) does c) is 3) it chip 30 minutes to do his homework yesterday. a) took b) takes c) take 4) chip has a lot of interesting subjects his timetable a) in b) at c) on 5) where is sam? -- he sums in his study. a) does b) is doing c) did 6) masha and ann __ computerland tomorrow a) visited b) will visit c) visit

Helponator Helponator    2   17.07.2019 05:40    2

прост1232 прост1232  21.09.2020 16:03
1) c)
2) b)
3) b)
4) c)
5) b)
6) b)
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