Вопрос и отрецание. 1.the sweater is brown.- 2. polly can buy jeans.- 3. you have got green gloves.- 4. nan wears tights.- 5. mike's sockc are small.- 6. mary buys shoes in summer.-

хава993 хава993    1   27.08.2019 01:10    0

yubloh yubloh  05.10.2020 21:54
1. Is sweater brown? The sweater isn`t brown.
2. Can poly buy jeans? Poly can`t buy jeans. 
3. Have you got green gloves? You haven`t got green gloves.
4. Does Nan wear tights? Nan doesn`t wear tights.
5. Are Mike`s socks small? Mike`s socks aren`t small.
6. Does Mary buy shoes in summer? Mary doesn`t buy shoes in summer.
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