Вопрос 23. выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога. -what should we have with the salad? -why don’t you cook the chicken that’s marinating in the fridge? выберите один ответ: a. the couple only wants salad for dinner. b. a man is asking his friends if she wants some chicken. c. the salad dressing is in the refrigerator. d. the couple is thinking of cooking some chicken. вопрос 24. choose the correct response. the businessman the accident, had he traveled by plane. выберите один ответ: a. may be avoiding b. might have avoided c. might avoid d. may avoid

gorjchevst gorjchevst    3   04.10.2019 14:50    10

Азека2008 Азека2008  09.10.2020 19:49

question 23 d

question 24 b

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