Вопрос 1 in real terms the $1,000 you is $ 5,000 today. выберите один ответ: invest invests will invest invested вопрос 2 the finance department with wages and salaries. выберите один ответ: is dealing deals deal dealt вопрос 3 i had to pay by credit card, because they cash or cheque. выберите один ответ: want don’t want wanted didn’t want вопрос 4 когда я еду за границу, я всегда пользуюсь услугами банка для покупки иностранной валюты. выберите один ответ: when i go abroad i always use the bank to buy foreign currency. when i went abroad i always used the bank to buy foreign currency. when i go abroad i will use the bank to buy foreign currency. when i went abroad i would use the bank to buy foreign. currency. вопрос 5 пока нет ответа : 1,00 отметить вопрос текст вопроса i asked the bank for a loan to buy a car. выберите один ответ: я купил автомобиль. я возьму ссуду в банке на покупку автомобиля. я взял ссуду в банке на покупку автомобиля. я попросил ссуду в банке на покупку автомобиля. вопрос 6 the financial times … its newspaper production at present. выберите один ответ: is increasing will increase increases does increases вопрос 7 she often on business to other countries. выберите один ответ: travelled has to travels travels travel вопрос 8 we a lot of money on product launches last year. выберите один ответ: not spent spend didn’t spent spent вопрос 9 profit in new projects. выберите один ответ: invest is invested are invested invested вопрос 10 ebp close its office in europe last year. выберите один ответ: doesn’t have to was had to had вопрос 11 са the number of people working from home increase in the future. выберите один ответ: shall shan’t is will

irina699 irina699    1   21.07.2019 01:10    1

Krisitnka Krisitnka  23.09.2020 01:21
1. invested
Вопрос 2 deals
Вопрос 3 didn’t want
Вопрос 4 When I go abroad I always use the bank to buy foreign currency.
Вопрос 5 Я попросил ссуду в банке на покупку автомобиля.
Вопрос 6 is increasing
Вопрос 7 travels
Вопрос 8 spent
Вопрос 9 is invested
Вопрос 10 had to
Вопрос 11 will
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