Воображения не хватает, надо составить 10 любых вопросов на тему экология. можно со всякими оборотами (типо "не так ли? ")

WiTaMiN111 WiTaMiN111    2   21.06.2019 19:50    0

elizaveta1705fomina elizaveta1705fomina  17.07.2020 08:53

1)      Which area is one of the most polluted areas in the word?

2)      The goal of this project is to prevent pollution of Baikal lake.

3)      Are there many animals on the brink of extinction at the moment?

4)      Does this animal belong to the endangered species?

5)      What do you think about the greenhouse effect?

6)      Greenhouse gas emissions are steadily rising.

7)      What legislation is necessary to protect the environment?

8)      Have you ever considered environmental issues?

9)      Is it true that some natural disasters are caused by people?

10)   How long will we continue to poison our planet?

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