Vocabulary3 for questions 1-15, read the text below and decide which answer -- a.cor d - best fits each space. there is an example at the beginning (0).modern technology has (0) brought about big improvements incommunications, yet many people are worried (1) usingthe latest computer technology. i'm often (2)to meetpeople who still don't know what the "e" in e-mail stands for andthey are too (3) to ask. they think one has to be skilledcomputers to send a message by e-mail but in fact, itis (5)in the world. it is also (6) send ane-mail message (7) to send a "snail" message, which takes(8) _longer. an e-mail message is only (9) _ moreexpensive than a local telephone call; on top of the call itself, youalso have to pay a fee to your "server". if you send a letter (10)mail it will take two days to get there whereas an e-mailwill not take (11)_ than a few seconds. when you become(12)_ to using the system you will be (13) at howmuch more (14) _ it is than other means of communication.of course, before you have an access to e-mail you will need a fairly(13) - compute, which can be quite expensive.dbcatwith asaboutb irritating c surprised"a surprisingd irritateddembarrassing bctiringembarrasses tired1) a aboutdinb intoc todbthe simplestsimplerthe more simple cbd the cheapermore cheaper c 1) a for5) a simplest6) a cheaper7) a as8) a much​

Викторина22 Викторина22    1   09.04.2019 19:08    1

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