Vocabulary. across. 1 she can dance well. 2. having nothing on. 3.you can't see it but you can hear it. 4. they are green during the spring. 5. there are clouds in it. down. 1. a tree has got them.

Kirill1233341 Kirill1233341    1   21.08.2019 01:20    3

nowichok nowichok  05.10.2020 08:21
I dont know exactly what you are looking for here, but there isn't any kind of directions.  this looks like a crossword puzzle, where you need words of a specific size.  but this information is not given.

1. ballerina, dancer?
2. naked, nude?
3. sound, music, conversation?
4. grass, leaves?
5. sky

1. leaves, fruit, roots
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