• Vocabulary A Complete the sentences with the correct word.
• eruption • ancient • science-fiction • frightening • palace • board • ruled
• tribes • skins • chores
1 Avatar is my favouritefilm.
2 The Kwakiutl Indians wore animalto keep warm.
3 I like thrillers because they are
4 Do you help your parents witharound the house?
5 The ancient Egyptians playedgames in their free time.
6 Queen Elizabeth IEngland from 1558 to 1603.
7 InEgypt, girls didn't attend school.
8 The emperor at Machu Picchu lived in a beautiful
9 A terriblefrom a volcano destroyed the Roman city of Pompeii.
10 In America in the 15th century, some nativelived in tepees.

avicena1111 avicena1111    1   23.03.2021 06:57    5

leralerav leralerav  22.04.2021 07:37

1 science fiction

2 skins

3 frightening

4 chores

5 board games

6 ruled

7 ancient

8 palace

9 eruption

10 tribes

Lizacat201 Lizacat201  22.04.2021 07:37

1. science-fiction • научная фантастика

2. Skins

3. frightening •

4. Chores

5 board games. Настольные игры

6. ruled (управляла)

7 ancient

8. Palace дворец

9. . Eruption извержение

10. Tribes племена


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