Внимание: не используй сокращения (don't, haven't и др.)
- Hello, Andy!

- Hello, Lily! (1) (you / finish) your exams yet?

- Yes, and I don’t think I (2) (ever / do) so well!

- That’s good! My family and I (3) (not / return) from our holiday in Switzerland yet.

- Oh, really? (4) (you / visit) Bern yet?

- No! I (not / see) any places yet! I’m not having fun!

- Why? Is it your brother? What (6) (he / do) this time?

- He (7) (just / break) his leg skiing! My parents and I are very sad. I (8) (never / hate) a holiday before - I want to come home!

ChupinMaxim ChupinMaxim    2   18.02.2021 17:33    3

dariasit dariasit  18.02.2021 17:40

1Have you finished your exams yet?

2Yes, and I don't think I have ever done so well!

3My family and I have not returned from our holiday in Switzerland yet.

4Have you visited Bern yet?

5No! I have not seen any places yet!

6What has he done this time?

7He has just broken his leg skiing!

8I have never hated a holiday before.


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