Вне шарю вообще. максимально 2. compare the following as in the example1. "captain's daughter", " crime and punishment", "war and peace" (long) - "crime and punishment" is longer than "captain's daughter", but " war and peace" is the longest novel.2. the weather today, yesterday, on monday (wet) - 3. the excursion to the darwin museum, the journey to the black sea, theholidays in england (amazing) - 4. hostel, b& b, hotel (expensive) - 5. sitting on a chair, a sofa, in an armchair (comfortable) - 6. helen, mike, paul (talkative) -
1- are long.
2- is wet.
3- are amazing.
4- are expensive.
5- is comfortable.
6- are talkative.
Используется Present Simple, но в третьем также можно использовать Past Simple.