Visiting a museum I can’t say that I often go to museums. We are always in a hurry and it isvery difficult to spare 2 or 3 hours to visit a local museum. But when Itravel I always try to see all the museums and exhibitions that can befound in the place I am. We have been to Kiev recently and I want to tellyou about “The Museum of Historical Valuables of Ukraine”.
This museum was found in 1969. It is located on the grounds of StateHistorical and Cultural Reservation Kiyivo-Pecherskaya Lavra. The museumexposition is arranged in 9 halls of a building built by a talentedUkrainian architect Stepan Kovnir. In this museum you can see monuments ofmaterial culture dated from the 6th century B.C. till 19th century A.D.Among them there are many platinum, gold, gold and silver alloys. Aseparate section of the museum is given to numismatics. The exposition isopened by a unique collection of so called “Skythian Gold” and historicallyvaluable specimens of Greek engraving art of the 6th -3rd centuries B.C. Wewere impressed with women’s headdresses, garments, weapons in “animalisticstyle”. Deer, horses and solar signs were the favourite themes in the artof ancient tribes. A prominent position in the exposition is hold bybrilliant original works of art of the Kiev Rus period. I remember verywell the Gospel of the 17th century. Its vegetable ornament is in enamelsof different colours with the use of filigree, precious stones and pearls.The work was performed by a Kiev craftsman Khristophor made by the order ofZaporozhye hetman Ivan Samoylovich.
Also I visited our City Museum. It is divided into 4 sections: the PictureGallery, the History Department, the Natural Science Department, theAgricultural Department.
First of all I went to the Picture Gallery. There are a lot of finepictures there: portraits, genre, landscapes, seascapes and still life.There are also some sculptures.
After that I went to the History Department. I saw the scale-model of anancient town, lots of ancient costumes, ancient arms, some very interestingpottery dating back to the first century of our era.
The Natural Science Department is also very interesting. I saw a collectionof various minerals and stones as well as many pictures showing the life ofwild and domestic animals and plants.But the Agricultural Department was the most interesting. A number ofexhibits displayed harvester-combines, improved gang-ploughs and otheragricultural machines.
My excursion to the museums gave me much to think about. It was a greatpleasure.
III. Answer the questions.
1. Does the author often go to museums? 2. When did the author go to themuseum last? 3. When was “The Museum of Historical Valuables” founded? 4.What articles are exhibited in this museum? 5. Where is the museumsituated? 6. Who built it? 7. What exposition opens the museum? 8. Whatstyle of drawings was characteristic for Scythian Art? 9. What were thefavourite themes in the art of ancient tribes? 10. Why did the Gospelimpress the author? 11. Who performed this work? 12. What sections is theCity Museum divided into? 13. What kinds of pictures are there in thePicture Gallery? 14. What did the author see in the History Department? 15.What was displayed in the Natural Science Department? 16. What did he likemost in the Agricultural Department? 17. Why do people go to museums? 18.Which famous museums do you know? 19. Which of them have you visited? 20.Exposition of which museum would you like to see?
IV. Translate the following words and word combinations into
English.Уникальная коллекция; устраивать выставку; сплав золота и серебра;искусство гравировки; выделить 2-3 часа; наша эра; быть выполненным позаказу; экспозиция музея; зал; спешить; ценные предметы; евангелие; знакисолнца; растительный орнамент; женские головные уборы; историческиеценности; древние племена; звериный стиль; эмаль различного цвета;посетить; скифское золото; древний город; первое столетие нашей эры;сельскохозяйственные машины; экскур
сия; большое удовольствие.

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