Visas ve
1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Perfect или Past Simple.
"1. He ( his home-
6. Jenny
(to clean) her
work yesterday evening.
room before she
2. He
(to do his home-
work by 7 o'clock yesterday.
7. When they
(to come)
3. She (to boil) the pota-
to the bus stop, bus number 5
toes by the time mother
(to go / already)
. (to come) home..
8. My legs
(to hurt) yes-
4. She (to boil) the pota-
terday because I
toes half an hour ago.
walk) a lot.
5. When Fred (to come) to
9. The lessons
(to start /
the club, his friend (to go already) when we
/ already).

Visas ve BE . 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Perfect или Past Simple. 1. He (

Kxoma Kxoma    1   05.11.2021 07:01    0

LeklA LeklA  05.11.2021 07:10

1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Perfect или Past Simple.

1. He did his homework yesterday evening.

2. He had done his homework by 7 o'clock yesterday.

3. She had boiled the potatoes by the time mother came home.

4. She boiled the potatoes half an hour ago.

5. When Fred .came to the club, his friend had already gone.

6. Jenny had cleaned her room before she left.

7. When they came to the bus stop, bus number 5 had already gone.

8. My legs hurt yesterday because I had wakled a lot.

9. The lessons had already started when we arrived.

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