Vii. переведите предложения, обращая внимание на инфинитивную конструкцию complex object. 1) we know electric trains to develop high speeds. 2) we believe the tests with the automatically driven trains to have been completed with satisfactory results. 3) some specialists believe the existing kinds of motive power to be unable to meet the requirements of passenger traffic in the future. 4) we know some signals to be operated by hand others to be automatic. 5) the passengers waiting for the train could watch the track being renewed.

kutina1969 kutina1969    3   18.08.2019 03:40    6

DanilGrushin1 DanilGrushin1  05.10.2020 02:07
1. Electric trains are known to develop high speeds.
2. The tests with the automatically driven trains are believed to have been completed with satisfactory results.
3. The existing kinds of motive power are believed to be unable to meet..
4. Some signals are known to be operated..
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