Вибрати слово правильне до іть Hi Jenny,
Sorry I didn't write to you last week but I was (0) at / in / on holiday with my family. In fact, we have (1) never / just / yet returned home. Good to be back! Paul wanted to go climbing so we (2) have been / I have gone / went to the mountains and then we spent a couple of days in Edinburgh. We (3) made / took / did all the arrangements online, so it was quite cheap. We stayed in a small hotel (4) between / opposite / on the corner the train station. It had comfortable rooms and there was a small restaurant serving traditional food. Have you (5) ever / just/ already been to Scotland? (6) I've taked / I've taken / l've took loads of great photos which I'd love to show you. Phone me!

daria383ver daria383ver    1   07.11.2021 12:07    2

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