Виберіть найкраще слово для заповнення прогалин.

All of 1) used to think about Egypt as the country pharaohs and pyramids. However, to 2) Egypt in a real way, these facts are not 3). Bedouin tourism was organized a long time ago. In an oasis, I was greeted as an honoured guest by native Bedouins dressed in clothes. I rode on camels donkeys throughout the night. black-eyed Arab was singing, so it seemed, especially for me. I fell asleep in a traditional Bedouin marquee.. When the morning 5) during the camel clothes walk, Bedouin took out a modern mobile phone from. 6) which were actually jeans and, in pure English, started retelling how his business was Such is the country, this is the way they live...

1) we
2) understand
3) such
4) nation
5) came
6) them
7) coming

1). Our
2). Understood
3). enough
4). National
5) arrived
7). following

1). Us
2) understanding
3) too
4) nationality
5) reached
6) him
7) going

lfifа lfifа    2   13.05.2020 14:29    1

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