VI. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs where required: 1. When the doctor was examining me he applied a stethoscope ___ my chest to listen ___ my heart.
2. Yesterday I read a very interesting article dealing ___ the new ways ___ treatment ___ lobar pneumonia.
3. It is necessary to avoid any possible complications ___ scarlet fever.
4. The patient ___ the inflammation ___ the lungs was put ___ a sick-leave ___ two weeks.
5. Patients, who are ill ___ tuberculosis, are often damp ___ sweat ___ night.
6. The nurse gave this patient an injection ___ morphine as he complained ___ a severe pain ___ his back.
7. When the doctor felt my pulse it turned ___ to be 70 ___ minute.
8. I am sure ___ the doctor‘s diagnosis. You must follow ___ his treatment and apply mustard plasters ___ your back.
9. The doctor wanted to have a look ___ my throat because I complained ___ the pain ___ swallowing.
10. Making his daily round ___ visits a doctor must always put ___ a white gown ___ examining patients.
11. Does the patient ill ___ angina pectoris feel any pain ___ the substernal area ___ physical exertion?
12. You are not ___ such a bad state. So calm ___, please.

Smitanka228 Smitanka228    3   31.05.2021 09:13    96

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