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Siyahbeyazask1 Siyahbeyazask1    1   02.10.2019 21:14    1

smesh33221 smesh33221  09.10.2020 12:33

ответ:1) wonderfully 2) seriously 3) very fast 4) excellent 5) bravely


Киса11111112 Киса11111112  09.10.2020 12:33

1) She is a professional writer and she writes wonderfully. She wrote eight stories about the character Harry Potter and became famous fast. Her books got a lot of awards.

2) She studied physics and chemistry seriously, discovered two chemical elements and won two Nobel* prizes.

3) He can swim very fast. At the Olympics in China he set a new record for winning the most gold medals at one Olympics.

4) Her acting ability was excellent. She acted very well in the film Gone with the Wind (1939).

5) He fought bravely and won several important battles at sea.

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