Вэтом нужно поставить глагол в правильную форму. 1.look! somebody … (break) that window. 2.i … (read) the book you gave me but i … (not/finished) it yet. 3.'sorry i'm late.' 'that's all right. i … (not/wait) long. 4.hello! i … (clean) the windows. so far i … (clean) five of them and there are two more to do. 5.there is a strange smell here … (you/cook) something? 6.my brother is an actor. he … (appear) in several films.

gahakadbobo22 gahakadbobo22    1   18.05.2019 16:30    4

HappyPerson23 HappyPerson23  30.09.2020 20:44

1.      Look! Somebody …is  (breaking) that window.

2.      I have … (read) the book you gave me but I have not finished it yet.

3.      'Sorry I'm late.' 'That's all right. I was … (not waiting) long.

4.      Hello! I …am (cleaning) the windows. So far I …have  (cleaned) five of them and there are two more to do.

5.      There is a strange smell here are… (you cooking) something?

6.      My brother is an actor. He … (appears in several films.

grigorievatany grigorievatany  30.09.2020 20:44

1.     Look! Somebody has broken that window.

2.     I read  the book you gave me but I haven't finished it yet.

3.     'Sorry I'm late.' 'That's all right. I was not waiting  long.

4.     Hello! I am cleaning the windows. So far I have cleaned five of them and there are two more to do.

5.     There is a strange smell here. Have you cooked something?

6.     My brother is an actor. He appeared in several films.

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