Вэтого предложения напшите продолжения в 1st conditions if you are single and you meet somebody you really like,… if you throw something away,… if you park a long way from where you are going,… if you baby goes to sleep late,… if you are driving somewhere and you are in a hurry,… if you arrive very early to catcha plane,… if you get to work late,… if you leave your mobile phone at home,… if you push a door,…

bayan6 bayan6    3   03.09.2019 12:40    4

Dilnoza81100 Dilnoza81100  06.10.2020 15:00
If you are single and you meet somebody you really like,you will be serious about it.
If you throw something away ,you won't have it any more.
If you park a long way from where you are going, you won't like it.
If your baby goes to sleep late,you will be angry.
If you are driving somewhere and you are in a hurry,you will drive with all possible speed.
If you arrive very early to catch a plane,you won't trouble.
If you get to work late,you will receive reprimand
If you leave your mobile phone at home,you will need it.
If you push a door,it will open.
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