Very often in a certain situation people expect us to say some particular thing. it is important to know how to reach to people’s words. check yourselves and match the phrases in these columns 1 .how’s your father keeping? a )thank you really like it? do you do? b)no, thank you.i’ve had a lot. 3.thank you very much. c)thanks, you too. 4.what a nice blouse! d)it’s nice to see you too. 5.i’m awfully sorry, i’ve broken a cup. e)oh,that doesn’t matter. 6.thank you for a wonderful meal. f)thank you,i will.goodbye. завтра сдавать

alenuhaa alenuhaa    2   20.08.2019 04:00    39

Svetik2982 Svetik2982  05.10.2020 06:30

1 .How’s your father keeping?

f) Thank you. He is OK. 

Give my regards to him.

I will Goodbye.

2. How do you do? It’s nice to see you.      

 d) It’s nice to see you too.

3. Thank you very much.  

c) Thank you too.                                        

4. What a nice blouse! 

 a) Thank you. Do you really like it?

5. I’m awfully sorry, I’ve broken a cup.
e) Oh, that doesn’t matter.

6. Thank you for a wonderful meal.

-Would you like some more?

b) No, thank you. I’ve had a lot.
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