Вери прочитайте текст. определите, какие из утверждений 10–17 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – true), какие не соответствуют (2 – false) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – not stated). в поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. a very special breakfast i opened my eyes on a warm sunday morning in june to the sound of a crowd running in the direction of the hall and back to the kitchen. i opened the bedroom door and bumped into my sons dressed like indians and holding up wooden arrows that nearly hurt me. “good morning, daddy! ” they shouted and ran away. i slowly went to the kitchen dreaming of a cup of hot coffee. “daddy, mummy said you can spend father’s day with us. she won’t be home from shopping until late”, said ian. that was a very special present from my wife! i thought i should also plan something extraordinary for mother’s day. the boys were dragging me by my arms to the kitchen table covered with all sorts of plates. “daddy, we’ve made breakfast for you! ” they cried. i decided to start with the chocolate dessert with honey syrup. when i had a small piece i forgot about chocolate and the syrup altogether as it was all sugar. “tasty”, i murmured with a forced smile. the boys smiled and moved a plate with pieces of toast closer to me. i tried the one with the stuff that looked like peanut butter. “is it all right? ” wondered trevor, “we’ve used the peanut butter from the fridge but we’ve added some additional ingredients.” i could hardly manage to say the single word, “good” in return. the bread was really good, but the unidentified stuff stuck to my mouth like glue. to try another dish i had to clear out my mouth first. the boys did not notice my inconvenience as they were busy getting the next dish ready. my first attempt to identify the dark brown object on the plate was not successful. “carrot? ” i tried, shyly. “no, daddy, bacon! ” said ian proudly. “mother did not let us use the gas stove, so we cooked it in the microwave. five minutes only.” all i could do was to nod when the piece of coal fell down into my stomach. “did she say you can't use the coffee maker either? ” i added enthusiastically. “sure! we made you instant coffee! ” they cried and produced a cup. it was filled with warm brown liquid with coffee granules on its surface. that was the only time in my life i'd had coffee made from hot water from the sink. the meal came to an end. i said it was the best breakfast i had ever had. the boys smiled and promised to find new recipes next father’s day. i smiled in return and looked round the kitchen which was a complete mess. trying to make the day even more special for me they wanted to clean it up. luckily, at that moment, i mentioned the new cartoon and they rushed away into the living room immediately. i made myself a cup of coffee in the coffee machine, cleaned the kitchen and sat peacefully for half an hour. the boys’ cheerful cries could clearly be heard from the living room. when i looked in, they were so absorbed with tom and jerry that they did not notice me. “boys! ” i cried, “we are going to mcdonald’s for lunch”. “cool! ” came the answer. that sunday morning the father woke up later than usual. 1) true 2) false 3) not stated when the father woke up, the mother was out. 1) true 2) false 3) not stated the chocolate dessert was the father's favourite dish. 1) true 2) false 3) not stated the father pretended that he liked the peanut toast. 1) true 2) false 3) not stated the third dish for the father was an overcooked carrot, heated in the microwave. 1) true 2) false 3) not stated the coffee machine in the kitchen was broken. 1) true 2) false 3) not stated after breakfast, the father watched the cartoon together with his sons. 1) true 2) false 3) not stated the father and his sons decided to have lunch at the restaurant. 1) true 2) false 3) not stated

2shIk 2shIk    1   06.10.2019 00:20    37

Lizaliza123123 Lizaliza123123  12.01.2024 13:47
1) False - В тексте не говорится, что отец проснулся позже обычного
2) True - В тексте указано, что мать его не будет дома до позднего времени
3) False - В тексте не указано, что это было любимое блюдо отца
4) True - Отец делает вид, что ему нравится тост с арахисовым маслом
5) True - В тексте указано, что это была "черная штука", которую отец не смог идентифицировать на тарелке
6) Not stated - В тексте не говорится о том, что кофейная машина сломана
7) True - После завтрака отец смотрел мультфильм вместе со своими сыновьями
8) True - В заключении отец предлагает своим сыновьям пойти на обед в ресторан.
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