Вдиалоге проставьте фразовые ударения, паузы и интонации. susan: this parcel smells, mrs. lazarus. zena: call me zena, susan. susan: yes…zena…something’s written on it. what does it say? zena: it says: ‘this parcel contains six mice’ susan: aw! isn’t that awful, zena! poor animals! zena: and listen, susan! what’s in this sack? susan: it’s making a strange hissing noise. sack: ! susan: zena! it’s a sack of snakes! zena: so it is! … and what do you thinks’ in this box, susan? susan: it’s making a buzzing sound. box: ! susan: those are bees! zena: a parcel of mice… and a sack of snakes… and a box of bees. what do you think about this, susan, on your first day in the parcels office? isn’t a surprising? susan: amazing! this isn’t a post office. it’s a zoo.

nfskarbon2 nfskarbon2    1   17.06.2019 13:12    0

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