Вcтавить в пропуски: about; at; in; of; on; up 1) jenny got very upset the broken vase yesterday. 2) i gave smoking two months ago. i feel much better now. 3) martin likes maths but he isn't very good it. 4) the teacher told them to be quiet but they carried talking. 5) lucy always turns late for meetings. 6) you should be very proud these results. they're excellent. 7) can you fill the car while i finish packing the cases? 8) you go to the exhibition. we're not that interested 17th century art. 9) i'll pick you tonight. is that ok? 10) don't worry the time. we'll be there in five minutes.

айз14 айз14    1   25.03.2019 06:30    1

Ler4ic004 Ler4ic004  26.05.2020 17:59

1-at   2-on   3-about     4-up   5-of    6-up   7-on    8-on   9- about   10- at.

Аноним9111 Аноним9111  26.05.2020 17:59

1) about

2) up 

3) at 

4) on

5) up 

6) of

7) up

8) in

9) up

10) about

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