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Влад09090 Влад09090    3   30.07.2019 22:50    1

Julia777Nyar Julia777Nyar  07.09.2020 23:22
I don't think that books will ever disappear.  They may change their form or format, but they can't disappear altogether.  Now we mostly use electronic books.  But still many people prefer to  read real books made from paper.  Books can't disappear because they give knowledge.  And if you have knowledge, you have power.  Books can be passed on to your children so that they can also gain knowledge.  Modern libraries should have all kinds of books - electronic ones in special formats, and ordinary books.  After all, if there's an electricity blackout, or if a computer or a telephones fails, you can always read just a simple book  full of great ideas and discoveries.  And you can read it while the sun shines!
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