Ваш американский друг готовит лекцию о положениях беларуси. дайте ему / ей несколько советов.​

zarinkakoshzhan zarinkakoshzhan    3   20.12.2019 21:00    5


Belarus is located in Europe and it is surrounded by ground, which means there are no seas or oceans  around the country, but only boarders with of others. In Belarus there are a lot of monuments and buildings from USSR times which are not distroyed. In Belarus there is a lot of forest which is also secured by the goverment. In Minsk which is the captial of our country, there are a lot of churches and overall the city is very beautiful. You should recommend your friends to visit our country.

Накидал пару примеров, сам не из Беларуси по этому не уверен если факты верные, но с инглишом точно все ок

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