Вариант II
1.1. Underline the correct item (5 scores)
e.g. That blue car over there is their/theirs.
1). What’s yours/her phone number?
2). What is his/hers address?
3). Is this football his/her?
4).Their/Theirs house is very modern.
5). Tom and Sarah are my/mine friends.
1.2. Complete the sentences with at, on or in. (5 scores).
e.g. My brother’s birthday is on Saturday.
1). I see my family…..the weekend.
2). Dad wakes up at 8 o’clock…..the morning.
3). Sally’s birthday is……December.
4). Sam and Tony play basketball…...Mondays.
5).They go to bed……9:30 p.m.
1.3. Choose and underline the correct verb (5 scores).
e.g. They often … to the cinema.
a) go b) goes c) are going
1 He … to school yesterday.
a) goes b) went c) is going
2 My mum … a book two years ago.
a) buys b) bought c) buy
3 She….her hair three times a week.
a)wash b).is washing c) washes
4 Katherine…. at the moment.
a) sleeps b) is…sleeping c) slept
5.He…football very often.
a) play b). is playing c) plays
1.4. Fill in the correct prepositions(3 scores).
e.g. I am fond of painting.
1 He is interested … roller-skating.
2 My sister is keen … reading.
3 Jane’s little daughter is very good…dancing!
1.5. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences (2 scores).
1 are/wearing/What/they?
2 watching/not/Susan/is/a/film/ now.
2 Reading
Read the text and answer the questions. (5 scores)
My name is Fran and I’m ten years old. My best friend is Susan and she's twelve
years old. Susan is very smart and she can do a lot of things. Susan can play the
guitar and the piano. She is very good at sports. She can swim very well and she
can sail a boat. I can't swim very well and I can't sail a boat. Susan cooks lunch for
herself and her little brother every day. I can't cook because my mum says I'm too
young. There is one thing that Susan and I can't do. We can't drive a car!
e.g. Who is ten years old, Susan or Fran? - Fran
1). How old is Fran’s best friend?
4). Who can sail a boat?
2). Who cooks lunch every day?
5). What can’t Fran and Susan do?
3).What can Susan play?
3 Everyday English
Choose the correct answer.(7 scores)
1 How can I help you?
a. I am looking for a birthday present for a friend.
b. No, thank you
2 How about 10 o'clock in the morning?
a. I have it ready
b. I have an Italian class until 12, so we can meet after that.
3 How can I get to the Drama Theatre?
a. Let’s meet there
b. Go down the street until you get to the traffic lights.
4 Would you like to include the card?
a. Yes, please. I have it ready.
b. I have no electricity in my house
5 Which play would you like to see?
a. 'Hamlet', on Friday the 21st.
b. I’d like to play chess
6 What can I do for you?
a. How much is it?
b. Well, I have no electricity in my house. I'm in the dark.
7 What about a jigsaw puzzle then?
a. That's a good idea. How much are they?
b. Go up the street and turn to the left

alekseysidorov alekseysidorov    1   22.05.2020 17:24    3

kri2221 kri2221  15.10.2020 06:25



1). What’s her phone number?

2). What is his address?

3). Is this football his?

4).Their house is very modern.

5). Tom and Sarah are my friends.


1). I see my family at the weekend.

2). Dad wakes up at 8 o’clock in the morning.

3). Sally’s birthday is in December.

4). Sam and Tony play basketball on Mondays.

5).They go to bed at 9:30 p.m.


1 He … to school yesterday.

b) went

2 My mum … a book two years ago.

b) bought

3 She….her hair three times a week.

c) washes

4 Katherine…. at the moment.

b) is…sleeping

5.He…football very often.

c) plays


1 He is interested in roller-skating.

2 My sister is keen on reading.

3 Jane’s little daughter is very good at dancing!


1 What are they wearing??

2 Susan is not watching a film


1). How old is Fran’s best friend? Twelve

4). Who can sail a boat? Susan

2). Who cooks lunch every day? Susan

5). What can’t Fran and Susan do? Drive a car

3).What can Susan play? The guitar


1 How can I help you?

a. I am looking for a birthday present for a friend.

2 How about 10 o'clock in the morning?

b. I have an Italian class until 12, so we can meet after that.

3 How can I get to the Drama Theatre?

b. Go down the street until you get to the traffic lights.

4 Would you like to include the card?

a. Yes, please. I have it ready.

5 Which play would you like to see?

a. 'Hamlet', on Friday the 21st.

6 What can I do for you?

b. Well, I have no electricity in my house. I'm in the dark.

7 What about a jigsaw puzzle then?

a. That's a good idea. How much are they?

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