Variant II 1.During ….. the inlet valve is closed and the fuel is compressed by the rising piston.

a) the power stroke; b) the exhaust stroke;

c) the inlet stroke; d) the compression stroke.

2. During ….. both valves are closed, pressure rises in the combustion chamber, and the spark ignites the mixture.

a) the power stroke; b) the exhaust stroke;

c) the inlet stroke; d) the compression stroke.

3 The automobile is made up of … basic parts

a) one; b) two; c) three.

4 Most automobile engines have … cylinders

a) five; b) six; c) seven.

5 Most automobile engines work on … - stroke cycle

a) three; b) four; c) five.

6. The Englishmen drive on the ___.

a) left b) right c) center d) ice

7. You can see a lot of cool ___ in London, Bentley is one of them.

a) homes b) cars c) gardens d) towers

8. You open the to look at the engine.

a) bonnet b) antenna c) door d) petrol cap

9. The true identification of any auto is the.

a) antenna b) logo c) window d) mirror

10. You put the suitcases in the ,

a) boot b) antenna c) door d) petrol cap

11. Using chemicals, petrol or diesel you should be very careful to avoid .

a) injury b) crack c) lack d) poisoning

12. The Mercedes star is a well-known .

a) antenna b) logo c) window d) mirror

13. Open the and let some sun and fresh air into the car.

a) antenna b) logo c) sunroof d) mirror

14.When it starts raining, you need to switch on the .

a) windscreen wipers b) logo c) sunroof d) mirror

15 Use a to raise the vehicle.

a) windscreen wipers b) logo c) sunroof d) jack

16. 'What model is that?' 'I don't know, I can't see the from here.'

a) windscreen wipers b) logo c) sunroof d) mirror

17. The most famous brand made in Russia is .

a) Lada b) BMW c) Reno d) Suzuki

18. The money you pay when you buy a car is called .

a) price b) size c) sunroof d) mirror

19. The money you get when you sell a car is called .

a) mirror b) size c) sunroof d) resale value

20. How much petrol or diesel the car uses? The factor is called .

a) mirror b) fuel consumption c) sunroof d) resale value

21. When customers always buy their cars from the same manufacturer is called .

a) mirror b) brand loyalty c) sunroof d) resale value

22. I live in the country and there is no public .

a) mirror b) brand loyalty c) transport d) resale value

23. KAMAZ has a engine.

a) diesel b) oil c) sunroof d) resale value

24. The manufacturers always do tests.

a) mirror b) crash c) sunroof d) resale value

25.Anti Blocking System is .

a) the ABC b) IBS c) ABS d) AVS

liliya070 liliya070    3   05.03.2021 09:13    20

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