
I) Выберите лишнее слово в строке, по смыслу.

1. fry, bake, order, boil. 3. dinner, starters, breakfast, lunch.

2. drink, main courses, starters, desserts. 4. jam, sugar, lemon, honey.

II) Выберите и вставьте необходимое слово по смыслу. Некоторые слова лишние.

bag kilo jar carton loaf packet piece bar bottle packet

Remember to get a___ of arrange juice when you’re at the supermarket.

2. Can you get me the___ of rice from the cupboard, please?

3. I can’t this ___ of strawberry jam.

4. Would you like a___ of cake with your tea.

5. We buy a ___ of bread in the nearest bakery.

III) Выберите подходящий вариант ответа.

1. Can you pour/peel the potatoes, please?

2. Let’s pour/bake a birthday cake for Kim.

3. Add/Melt the butter before you pour it on the popcorn.

4. I’ll add/fry the onions while you make the salad.

5. Dice/Mix all the ingredients together in a plastic bowl.

IV) Выберите правильное слово.

1. There is some/any coffee in the jar.

2. You put too much/ many sugar in my coffee. It’s very sweet.

3. I want a few/ a little sugar in my coffee.

4. Are there any/ some bananas left?

5. There aren’t many/ much eggs left. I’ll go buy some.

6. Is there much/ many rice in the packet?

7. Bob usually has any/ some bacon for breakfast.

V) Напишите правильную форму глагола, Present Simple/ Present Continuous

1. My mother usually (cook)… for the family, but today it is her birthday.

2. So I (plan)… a special dinner for everybody.

3. She (love) … fish, so I often make a delicious salmon pie.

4. My father (hate)… fish.

5. Though, so my brother (prepare) … him a hamburger.

VI) Соедините во с соответствующим ответом.

1. Jimmy, do you want dessert. А) No, could I have coffee, please?

2. Thanks for inviting me to dinner. В) Here you are, please.

3. Would you like a drink before dinner, Mr Phelps? С) Yes, I want a piece of cake.

4. May we have the menu, please? D) Oh, you’re welcome!

pdv20 pdv20    2   02.05.2020 12:14    4

nataliakonstan1 nataliakonstan1  14.10.2020 05:59

I) 1. order

  3. starters

 2. main courses

 4. lemon

II) 1. bottle

  2. bag

  3.  jar/kilo

  4. piece

  5. loaf

III) 1. peel

    2. bake

   3. melt

   4. add

   5. mix

IV) 1. any

    2. much

    3. little

   4. any

   5. many

   6. much

   7. some

V) 1. cooks

    2. I'm planning

   3. loves

  4. hates

  5. is preparing

VI) 1 - C

    2 -  D

   3 -  A

   4 - B

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