Variant 2 1. Write the sentences in the Passive Voice:
1) My friends don't always trust me.
2) Our neighbours drove my brother to school yesterday.
3) Your parents will present a car to you on your birthday.
4) We are choosing presents for our friends now.
2. Rewrite questions in Passive Voice:
1) Who opened the window?
2) Did the scientists discover a new planet?
3) Are they discussing this question right now?
4) Does the teacher often ask him at the lesson?​

Новичок221112 Новичок221112    3   12.01.2021 12:47    134

hola174 hola174  12.01.2024 08:11
Sure, I'd be happy to help!

1) Write the sentences in the Passive Voice:

1) I am not always trusted by my friends. (Subject: I / Verb: am / Object: trusted)

Explanation: The sentence is changed to passive voice by placing the object "me" (which is the receiver of the action) in the subject position and adding the verb "am" in the appropriate tense. The original subject "my friends" becomes the agent of the passive sentence, but isn't explicitly mentioned here.

2) My brother was driven to school yesterday by our neighbors. (Subject: My brother / Verb: was driven / Agent: our neighbors)

Explanation: The sentence is changed to passive voice by keeping the original object "my brother" in the subject position and adding the verb "was driven" in the appropriate tense. The original subject "our neighbors" becomes the agent of the passive sentence.

3) A car will be presented to you on your birthday by your parents. (Subject: A car / Verb: will be presented / Agent: your parents)

Explanation: The sentence is changed to passive voice by keeping the original object "a car" in the subject position and adding the verb "will be presented" in the appropriate tense. The original subject "your parents" becomes the agent of the passive sentence.

4) Presents for our friends are being chosen by us now. (Subject: Presents / Verb: are being chosen / Agent: us)

Explanation: The sentence is changed to passive voice by placing the object "presents" in the subject position and adding the verb "are being chosen" in the appropriate tense. The original subject "we" becomes the agent of the passive sentence.

2) Rewrite questions in Passive Voice:

1) By whom was the window opened? (Verb: was opened / Object: the window / Agent: whom)

Explanation: The question is changed to passive voice by placing the object "the window" in the subject position and adding the passive verb "was opened" in the appropriate tense. The original subject "who" becomes the agent of the passive question.

2) Was a new planet discovered by the scientists? (Verb: was discovered / Object: a new planet / Agent: the scientists)

Explanation: The question is changed to passive voice by keeping the original object "a new planet" in the subject position and adding the passive verb "was discovered" in the appropriate tense. The original subject "the scientists" becomes the agent of the passive question.

3) Is this question being discussed by them right now? (Verb: is being discussed / Object: this question / Agent: them)

Explanation: The question is changed to passive voice by placing the object "this question" in the subject position and adding the passive verb "is being discussed" in the appropriate tense. The original subject "they" becomes the agent of the passive question.

4) Is he often asked by the teacher at the lesson? (Verb: is asked / Object: him / Agent: the teacher)

Explanation: The question is changed to passive voice by keeping the original object "him" in the subject position and adding the passive verb "is asked" in the appropriate tense. The original subject "the teacher" becomes the agent of the passive question.

I hope this detailed explanation and step-by-step solution helps you understand the passive voice better! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.
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