Вариант 2 1. Complete with: environmentally, staff, railway, recovery, charity,
natural, pedestrians, care.
1) My love for animals made it a ... choice to volunteer at the
animal shelter.
2) Sally assists ... members with their duties at the hospital.
3) Many animal owners don't take ... of their pets properly.
4) His dog made a full ... and is fine now.
5) Our teacher suggests going to a ... event as a way to help out
in the community.
6) Cars that run on natural gas are ... friendly.
7) Drivers should watch out for ... crossing the road.
8) We are a 10-minute walk from Mirfield ... station.

vanyaver vanyaver    1   23.04.2021 10:34    5

БарсукВася БарсукВася  23.04.2021 10:40

1 natural

2 staff

3 care

4 recovery

5 charity

6 environmentally

7 pedestrians

8 railway

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