Вариант 10. Задание 1.
Правила согласования времен с примерами.

Задание 2.
Часть 1.
Поменяйте Прямую речь на косвенную речь:

1. “Will you join us?”
He wanted to know ………………………………………… that night.
2. “Where were you when the car hit the lady?”
The police asked …………………. when the car ………………………… the lady.
3. “Why can’t you afford travelling abroad?”
The lady wondered ……………………………………………….. travelling abroad.
4. “How many children are dying of hunger every day?”
He asked………………………………… of hunger every day.
5. “Who was waiting for her at the station?”
She was eager to find out …………………………….for her at the station.
6. “What price did they offer for this flat?”
The boss wanted us to remind him ………………………………. for the flat.
7. “How long have you been working for our branch in Moscow?”
The interviewer asked me ……………………………………………….for their branch in Moscow?
8. “Are you really enjoying the jazz we play?”
The musician wondered …………………………………………..the jazz they play.

Часть 2.
Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
1. He admitted that he had committed the crime ……………………………. .
a) six months ago b) six months before
2. He answered that he could not find him ………………………………….. .
a) here b) there
3. They promised that ……………………………… letters would be delivered next month.
a) these b) those
4. I Knew that the concert had taken place …………………………………... .
a) yesterday b) the previous night
5. I could not find out that they were developing a new project …………………………….. .
a) at that moment b) now.
6. They officially informed us that our father died ……………………………………. .
a) two months ago b) two months before

Задание 3.
Прочтите деловое письмо и выполните упражнения.

Dear Sirs,

(1)We are pleased to receive your inquiry of 10 April and hear that you liked our range of swimwear. The goods stated in your specification are available immediately from stock.
(2)We can offer you the quantity discount you asked us for which would be 5% off net price for orders over 2000$ and 10% off net price for orders over 3000$.
(3)We are enclosing our summer quoting f.o.b. prices New York. we normally offer a 15% trade discount on f.o.b. prices and would refer payment by sight draft, cash against documents. However, we would be prepared to review this once we have established firm trading relations with you.
(4)As there is a heavy demand at this time of year for swimwear, you will have to allow at least six weeks of delivery.
(5)We hope we can reach an agreement on the terms quoted. Thank you again for your letter; we look forward to your reply.

Упражнение 1.
Переведите с английского на русский:

to be available from stock
quantity discount
to enclose
f.o.b. prices
payment by sight draft
cash against documents
a heavy demand
reach an agreement
we look forward to your reply

Упражнение 2.
Найдите синонимы на английском языке к слова:

Trade relations
Firm (прилагательное)
Wide range

Упражнение 3.
Переведите 2 и 3 абзац письма.

VaYfL VaYfL    2   19.10.2020 14:10    1

ивашка9 ивашка9  18.11.2020 14:31

1anything 2 something

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