Variant 1 Open the brackets using the verbs in Passive Voice
1. This mount ... never (Climb)
2. The copies ... (print) at the moment.
3. 1... (give) this interesting book last Friday
4. His address (found) before she got his letter,
5. Dinner ... (cook) at 2 o'clock yesterday.
6. The picture ... (paint) by 8 o'clock
7. My work ... not... (finish) yet.
8. 4,250 postmen ... (bite) by British dogs every year,
9. A cake ... (make) now.
10. The film ... (show) at 10.50 yesterday evening.
11. The flat ... (clean) before I came.
12. Nick ... (send) to Moscow next week.
13. The rubbish ... already ... (collect).
14. New hospitals ... (build) in the provinces now,
2 Rewrite the sentences putting the verbs in the passive. Keep the
same tense and remove they, we, someone etc!
1 Someone has moved my chair!
2 The police arrested two hundred people.
3 Someone checks the water level every week.
4 They were painting the ship when the accident happened.
5 You must clean this machine every time you use it.
6 They will post all the letters on Tuesday,
3 Fill in the gaps with prepositions by or with
1 The story about Tom Sawyer was written ... Mark Twain.
2 This work was done ... our company,
3 The deer was shot ... rifle.
4 The hall was decorated ... pink and purple balloons,
5 Molly's bedroom wall was covered ... posters.​

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