Вариант № 1 I. Определите функцию слов, оканчивающихся на -ing:
а) Participle I в функции определения;
б) Participle I в функции обстоятельства;
d) Participle I, в составе временной группы Continuous;
г) герундий.
Перепишите и переведите предложения письменно на русский язык.
1 The main parts of a transmitter are a high-frequency oscillator including an
oscillatory circuit and one or a few amplifiers.
2. Designing the telecommunications lines, allowance has to be made for
increasing demand for telecommunications circuits.
3. During the experiment glass is being rubbed with silk to produce static
electricity. .
4. The transmitter is able of taking a written message and using some code to
encipher this message into a sequence of numbers.