Var. 1 I. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the right tense form (Active Voice).
1. It often … (snow) last month.
2. 1 … (not/buy) the tickets yet.
3. - What are you doing at the weekend, Ann? - … (drive) to the mountains. Would you like to come?
4. She … (never/be) to Oslo.
5. If the weather … (be) fine, the plane … (leave) in time.
6. In his free time Jack often… (go) fishing or sailing.
7. They … (wait) for us since seven o'clock.
8. We … (pack) our things when our taxi came.
9. They … (be) married for 10 years when I met them. 10. France … (win) the World Cup in 1998.
II. Open the brackets using the correct tense form of the Passive Voice.
I. My child … (teach) English next year.
2. This newspaper … (sell) everywhere.
3. The bill … (already/pay).
4. The flowers (not/water) in the moning.
5. An interesting article … (write) by Jane last week.

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