« Danny's Story
Give English equivalents.
1.cводить концы с концами; 2. без сомнения; 3, с любовью и
заботой; 4. заботливо укрыть одеялом; 5, владеть заправкой; 6, и то
же самое время,(одновременно); 7. каменное здание; 8, сказать
твердо; 9. чинить двигатели; 10. деревянные стены,
Say True or False.
1. Danny's father looked very serious.
2. The boy was very unhappy in his early years,
3. The gypsy caravan was very old.
4. The gypsy caravan was made of stone.
5. Danny's father smiled only with his eyes.
III. Answer the questions.
1. How big was Danny's family and why?
2. What was his father like?
3. Where did his father work?
4. Who lived in their caravan before?
5. Why did the boy like his home?
IV. Describe.
1. Their caravan.
2. The relations between Danny and his father.​

adobycina43 adobycina43    1   13.01.2021 11:03    1

Сutie2004 Сutie2004  13.01.2021 11:10

1.to make ends meet

no doubt

with love and care

hide/cover/shelter/ with a blanket thoughtful

to own a gas station

at the same time

a stone building

to say firmly

to fix  engines

wooden walls


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