ів!! Відкрийте дужки за до або Past Continuous. ❤️❤️❤️
Open the brackets using Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple or Past Continuous.
1) Sam … (to drink) coffee when his little son … (to run) into the kitchen. 2) Where … your cousin … (to live)? 3) Bill … (to phone) me yesterday because he … (to want) to ask me some questions. 4) Emily … (to iron) her dress now. 5) What time … the train … (to leave) tomorrow? – It … (to leave) at 5 o’clock. 6) Mike … (to watch) TV when his wife … (to return) from the beauty salon. 7) Alan … (to work) on his project from 5 till 10 pm yesterday. 8) What … you … (to do) now? 9) When Andy … (to turn) on the radio, the reporter … (to tell) about the weather. 10) John often … (to send) emails to his friends.​

uhjvjvjkybz uhjvjvjkybz    1   08.06.2020 19:12    0

Danila43pirojok Danila43pirojok  15.10.2020 13:26

1 was drinking, run

2 does ... live

3 phoned, wanted

4 is ironing

5 does ... leave, leaves

6 was watching, returned

7 was working

8 are ... doing

9 turned, was telling

10 sends

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