В тесте писать ТОЛЬКО решите!! цифру и букву TEST. Формы глагола «быть»(was, were) в времени.
Задание 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в времени

1. Tom (to be) at the stadium yesterday.
a) be
b) was
c) was

2. My grandparents (to be) at the park last Sunday.
a) are
b) were
c) was

3. Three years ago Tom and Meg (to be) doctors.
a) are
b) were
c) be

4. Two months ago I (to be) in Moscow.
a) am
b) were
c) was

5. Your cake (to be) tasty!
a) were
b) was
c) be

6. There (to be) no peaches on the table, there (to be) juice only.
a) was; was
b) were; were
c) were; was

7. Last month she (to be) in London, but her friends (to be) in Liverpool.
a) were; was
b) were; were
c) was; were

8. We (to be) sad, because our father (to be) ill.
a) were; was
b) was; were
c) was; be

9. You (to be) in the cinema yesterday. I (to be) there too.
a) were; was
b) was; was
c) were; were

10. When my father (to be) young, he (to be) a sailor.
a) was; were
b) were; was
c) was; was

11. I (not to be) at school yesterday.
a) did not to be
b) was not
c) were not

12. Last lesson the students (not to be) ready.
a) were not
b) be not
c) not was

13. He (not to be) a rich man.
a) not was
b) was not
c) not were

Задание 2. Измените время глагола в следующих предложениях на время.
14. They are doctors.
a) They is doctors.
b) They was doctors.
c) They were doctors.

15. I am not a librarian.
a) I be not a librarian.
b) I were not a librarian.
c) I was not a librarian.

16. Are you in India?
a) Were you in India?
b) Was you in India?
c) You are in India?

17. When is his birthday?
a) Was when his birthday?
b) When was his birthday?
c) Were when his birthday?

18. Peter is a farmer.
a) Peter be a farmer.
b) Peter was a farmer.
c) Peter were a farmer.

Задание 3. Выберите правильный перевод предложения:
19. Маша была рада видеть его вчера.
a) Masha were glad to see him yesterday.
b) Masha was glad to see him yesterday.
c) Masha will see him tomorrow.

20. Мой друг не был в школе вчера.
a) My friend not was at school tomorrow.
b) My friend did not be at school yesterday.
c) My friend was not at school yesterday.

21. Мы были в Нью-Йорке в году.
a) We were in New York last year.
b) We are in New York now.
c) We be in New York yesterday.

22. Были ли Том и Кейт в кинотеатре на неделе?
a) Be Tom and Kate at the cinema last week?
b) Was Tom and Kate at the cinema last week?
c) Were Tom and Kate at the cinema last week?

23. Где ты был вчера? – Я был дома.
a) Were where you yesterday? – I was at home.
b) Where were you yesterday? – I was at home.
c) Where was you yesterday? – I was ​

yuliaivanova1 yuliaivanova1    2   28.04.2020 13:52    12

Усенька Усенька  28.08.2020 15:42

1. was 2.b 3.b 4.с 5.b 6.c 7.с 8.a 9.a 10.c 11.b 12.a 13.b 14.c 15.c 16.a 17.b 18.b 19.b 20.c 21.a 22.c 23.b


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