В тексте даются советы.Молальные глаголы should,shouldn't.Находим
предложения с этими словами и записываем в тетрадь.
We should... We should not...
Healthy lifestyle
Nowadays the word healthy lifestyle is widely spread. But what
does it mean?Healthy lifestyle is not keeping some diets, exercising
when you want, sleeping when you have time, reading books or
watching films about it. Healthy lifestyle is a style of life when you
keep some rules every day, in spite of your mood, wishes, duties. A
the beginning it seems difficult to get up early, to exercise when yo
are tired, to eat only healthy food, to go to bed in time. But we
should try to keep these rules. We should try to get fresh air
outdoors, drink more water, sleep 7-8 hours a day, eat fruit and
vegetables, exercise every day. We shouldn't eat junk food, spend
much time in front of TV-set. We should try to keep our health in
this way.​

Alina182004 Alina182004    3   21.04.2020 17:30    1

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