V Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect Continuous or Present Perfect
33) People …………………………………………….…(pollute) the atmosphere for 100 years.
34)……………………………………………..….. (you / ever / see) the acid rain?
35) The eco helpers ……………………………….…..(plant) the trees all the morning.
36) The pond doesn’t look polluted..- Of course. They ……………...……..……… (clean) it out.
37) She……………………………………………(collect) the rubbish to recycle since last week.
38) How long ……………………………………… ( Helen / read) this book about ecology?
39) He ………………………………….………………………(be) an eco-helper since 1998.
40) Jane and Mark are exhausted. They ……………………………….. (clean) out the pond.
41)The plane ……………………………………………………..….(just / land).
42) Mike has a headache . He ………………………….. (work) all the evening.
43) Jane is really happy. She ……………………………….(win) the award in eco-competition.

Nikita7152 Nikita7152    2   16.04.2020 20:43    1

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