V. поставьте глаголы в правильную форму.
1. my brother (to make) a career in banking when he was 26.
2. i just (to start) my own business.
3. my friend (to hold) a position of general manager.
4. we (to put) the same amount of money into business.
5. the manager of rossimport (to phone) the russian trade delegation in london before their representative (to go) on business there next month.
6. we (cannot, to give) you our answer until we (to contuct) smith& co., a leading manufacturer of fridges.
7. when you (to drive) in england you (to have, to drive) on the left.
8. i (to have, to stay) in the office to check some figures.
9. you (to discuss) the terms of delivery yet?
10. we (to discuss) the terms of delivery since 10 o’clock.

rejnmasha2018 rejnmasha2018    2   12.10.2019 14:35    18

alisa2847274 alisa2847274  10.10.2020 06:09

1 makes

2 start

3 Holds

4 Put

5 phones

6 can't give, contucts

7 drive, have been driving

8 has been staying

9 discuss

10 discusses

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