V. подберите необходимую форму артикля (a/an или the). переведите предложения 4 и 6 на язык. 1. i wrote a long letter to jenny this morning. did i show you the letter i got from paris this morning? 2. it was …most exciting summer in my life. i spent…wonderful summer in spain . 3. did you see …newspaper i left in the sitting room? i usually buy …newspaper on my way to work. 4. after weeks of looking, we eventually bought … house. … house was in a small village. 5. the police look for…young man aged about 23. …young man the police look for is about 23. 6. last night i saw … interesting tv program about eastern europe . i really enjoyed … program.

turovyuriy turovyuriy    2   24.07.2019 14:00    1

staroverovandr staroverovandr  19.08.2020 16:15
2. It was the most exciting summer in my life. I spent a wonderful summer in Spain . 3. Did you see the newspaper I left in the sitting room? I usually buy a newspaper on my way to work. 4. After weeks of looking, we eventually bought a house. The house was in a small village. 5. The police look for a young man aged about 23. The young man the police look for is about 23. 6. Last night I saw an interesting TV program about Eastern Europe . I really enjoyed the program.
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