В каждом предложении выбери подходящее по смыслу слово.
14 John and K ate (seem/sense) to be good friends.
15 Marmalade is made (of/from) citrus fruit : oranges, lemons etc.
16 In ancient time work was done (with /by) simple tools .
17 Jill and Rose came into the room. The (latter/later) had a bag in her hand.

FullDown FullDown    2   25.05.2020 17:05    5

perevalov111222 perevalov111222  24.08.2020 21:52

14. John and Kate seem to be good friends.

15. Marmalade is made from citrus fruit: oranges, lemons etc.

16. In ancient time work was done by simple tools.

17. Jill and Rose came into the room. The latter had a bag in her hand.

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