V. Fill in the blanks with the Future Simple. 1.In summer we … (go) to the country. 2.She …(make) thedinner herself. 3.The waiter … (bring) the menu right now. 4.I

think the waitress … (bring) the bill right now. 5. Next Saturday

we … (dine) in some good. 6. Next week I … (make) the cake

for my daughter’s birthday. 7. Next time you … (have) some

porridge for breakfast.​

mrgold2011 mrgold2011    2   14.11.2020 09:12    4

Даркфреш Даркфреш  15.01.2024 10:23
1. In summer we will go to the country.
Explanation: In this sentence, the action of going to the country is planned for the future, so we use the future simple tense "will go".

2. She will make the dinner herself.
Explanation: Here, the action of making the dinner is also planned for the future, so we use the future simple tense "will make".

3. The waiter will bring the menu right now.
Explanation: In this sentence, the speaker believes that the waiter will bring the menu in the near future, so we use the future simple tense "will bring".

4. I think the waitress will bring the bill right now.
Explanation: The speaker expresses their belief that the waitress is going to bring the bill in the near future, so we use the future simple tense "will bring".

5. Next Saturday we will dine in some good.
Explanation: Here, the speaker is talking about a planned action of dining in a good place next Saturday, so we use the future simple tense "will dine".

6. Next week I will make the cake for my daughter’s birthday.
Explanation: In this sentence, the action of making the cake is planned for the future, specifically next week, so we use the future simple tense "will make".

7. Next time you will have some porridge for breakfast.
Explanation: The speaker is suggesting or advising that the person should have porridge for breakfast in the future, so we use the future simple tense "will have".

Note: The future simple tense (will + verb base form) is used to talk about actions that will happen in the future, predictions, promises, plans, suggestions, and spontaneous decisions. It is formed by using the auxiliary verb "will" followed by the base form of the verb.
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