В этом задании нужно вставить правильные фразы: 1. He is the in the scandal. 2. Britain gives a lot ot to Africa. 3. Today you can get food even in supermarkets. 4. If you want to play tennis regularly, you should 5. The told the workers to go on strike. 6.1 can support you money. 7. Look at the clouds, the weather is going to change. 8. Let's meet at 4 p.m.; do you know a good ? 9. In times of trouble it's good to have to talk to. 10. We have plenty of time, hurry. 11. When you leave school, you must about your future. 12. In many democracies the people .. 13.1 don't care about pizza, I'm not hungry at all. 14. After high school many young people 15. Almost everybody puts his money in 16 a ship took weeks to cross the Atlantic; today you get to America in a matter of hours. 17. The meeting will take place in of the college. 18. Stop, stop! You don't .! 19. The Internet can more democracy all over the world. 20. Every child needs
-the main building
-elect a president
-it seems like
-join a club
-make a decision
-central figure
-trade union
-meeting place
-financial aid
-high quality
-a bank account
-have the right of way
-a close friend
-as a matter of fact
-set the stage for
-in terms of
-there is no need to
-go to university
-in former times
-loving parents

Roflobara Roflobara    2   19.01.2022 16:06    0

4245788 4245788  19.01.2022 16:10
central figurefinancial aidhigh qualityjoin a clubtrade unionin terms ofit seems likemeeting place a close friendthere is no needmake a decisionelect a presidentas a matter of factgo to universitya bank accountin former timesthe main buildingthe right of wayset the stage forloving parents
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