В этом упражнении нужно решить, нужно ли добавлять к глаголу в скобках –s или нет, и вписать правильную форму глагола.

1. The gallery (open) at 8.
2. Your girlfriend (seem) nice.
3. Why do they (argue) all the time?
4. Me and my mum often (go) shopping together.
5. Where does he (live)?
6. She usually (have) breakfast at home.
7. My colleague (speak) five languages fluently.
8. Do your parents (help) you financially?
9. Lady Gaga (wear) weird clothes.
10. What time does the concert (start)?

Соня12811 Соня12811    2   18.04.2020 08:06    33

korolinkot korolinkot  13.10.2020 11:07

1. opens

2. seems

3. argue

4. go

5. live

6. has

7. speaks

8. help

9. wears

10. start
