В№6 вставьте в предложение подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол: must, mustn’t, have to, can, can’t, may, should,shouldn`t needn’t, need и если можете, то объясните почему так, а не иначе. 1. you do the washing up, i’ll do it later. 2. sorry, i understand you. i don’t speak russian. 3. you drive a car without a seat belt. 4. i stay here with you today? 5. cheetah run very fast. 6. children go to bed earlier than adults. 7. they gat the agreement from their boss before starting the project. 8. you pay more attention to your studying.

Виктория6789045 Виктория6789045    3   17.09.2019 13:10    1

kolafeoktistovp0aj9j kolafeoktistovp0aj9j  07.10.2020 21:51
You needn't do washing up, I'll do it later.
Sorry, I can't understand you. I don't speak Russian.
You shouldn't drive without seat belt
May I stay here with you today?
Cheetah can run very fast
They need gat(может get?) agreement from their boss before starting the project
You must pay more attention to your studying.
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